Monday, May 11, 2015

Dips and dabs

So here I am with tons of beans. I never cook them because well nobody but me eats them. The it happened I made pork ribs in the crock pot instead of the oven. And the natural byproduct is a delicious broth perfectly suited so a non-recipe pork and beans. So I tossed in a cup of white beans, what I now know were lima beans, and another two cups of water. I wake up to, well beans and pork, instead of something totally awesome. It looks completely unappealing and tasted lack luster. 

So I offered to buy some steak because it is on sale and I hadn’t picked any up yet. My husband of course jumped on the idea and the beans were secreted away in the fridge until such time as they were green and smelly. BUT how could I waste such a typical post EMP meal that so many people would have lived if they had had access to? Plus how would I expect my kids to eat this stuff in a stressful post apocalyptical world? Seriously it wasn’t appealing but it was hearty, thick and meaty definitely something that would have been a life saver in the book.

So I scooped out maybe a cup added a little water and heated it up. About twenty minutes before dinner I presented this to my hungry kids. My baby who is 1 ½ scarfed his down. My six year old ate hers with the idea that there is CAKE in the fridge. My four year old had nothing to do with it. My three year old, I sat down with her and spoon fed her talking about how much she liked the meat the night before and she ate her whole serving, minus a bite I gave the baby. The six year old thought it was so much fun she spoon fed the baby the four year old’s portion.  And to prove that he is fair game and set an example my husband ate the rest I heated up. 

So my family ate a typical survival meal. It wasn’t their whole meal but the point is we are starting now with small steps so that if in that awful crisis my kids will eat what we have stored because you know they can only survive so long on the 8 gallons of ranch dressing.

After, One Second After

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